Anda sudah mengenal Smarty dan FCKEditor jika sudah maka Anda bisa memanfaatkan plugin berikut untuk mempermudah Anda dalam menggunakan FCKEditor pada Smarty.
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage plugins
* Smarty function plugin
* Requires PHP >= 4.3.0
* ————————————————————-
* Type: function
* Name: fckeditor
* Version: 1.1
* Author: gazoot (gazoot care of gmail dot com)
* Purpose: Creates a FCKeditor, a very powerful textarea replacement.
* ————————————————————-
* @param InstanceName Editor instance name (form field name)
* @param BasePath optional Path to the FCKeditor directory. Need only be set once on page. Default: /js/fckeditor/
* @param Value optional data that control will start with, default is taken from the javascript file
* @param Width optional width (css units)
* @param Height optional height (css units)
* @param ToolbarSet optional what toolbar to use from configuration
* @param CheckBrowser optional check the browser compatibility when rendering the editor
* @param DisplayErrors optional show error messages on errors while rendering the editor
* Default values for optional parameters (except BasePath) are taken from fckeditor.js.
* All other parameters used in the function will be put into the configuration section,
* CustomConfigurationsPath is useful for example.
* See for more configuration info.
function smarty_function_fckeditor($params, &$smarty)
if(!isset($params[‘InstanceName’]) || empty($params[‘InstanceName’]))
$smarty->trigger_error(‘fckeditor: required parameter “InstanceName” missing’);
}static $base_arguments = array();
static $config_arguments = array();// Test if editor has been loaded before
$init = count($base_arguments) == 0;// BasePath must be specified once.
$base_arguments[‘BasePath’] = $params[‘BasePath’];
else if(empty($base_arguments[‘BasePath’]))
$base_arguments[‘BasePath’] = ‘/js/fckeditor/’;
}$base_arguments[‘InstanceName’] = $params[‘InstanceName’];
$base_arguments[‘Value’] = $params[‘Value’];
$base_arguments[‘Value’] = ”;if(isset($params[‘Width’])) $base_arguments[‘Width’] = $params[‘Width’];
if(isset($params[‘Height’])) $base_arguments[‘Height’] = $params[‘Height’];
if(isset($params[‘ToolbarSet’])) $base_arguments[‘ToolbarSet’] = $params[‘ToolbarSet’];
if(isset($params[‘CheckBrowser’])) $base_arguments[‘CheckBrowser’] = $params[‘CheckBrowser’];
if(isset($params[‘DisplayErrors’])) $base_arguments[‘DisplayErrors’] = $params[‘DisplayErrors’];// Use all other parameters for the config array (replace if needed)
$other_arguments = array_diff_assoc($params, $base_arguments);
$config_arguments = array_merge($config_arguments, $other_arguments);$out = ”;
$out .= ”; } $out .= “n $value)
$value = ‘”‘ . fck_escapejschars($value) . ‘”‘;
$out .= “oFCKeditor.$key = $value; “;
}foreach($config_arguments as $key => $value)
$value = ‘”‘ . fck_escapejschars($value) . ‘”‘;
$out .= “oFCKeditor.Config[“$key”] = $value; “;
}$out .= “noFCKeditor.Create();n”;
$out .= ”
// –>n”;return $out;
}function fck_escapejschars($str)
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“”, “”, $str);
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“””, “””, $str);
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“‘”, “‘”, $str);
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“rn”, “n”, $str);
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“r”, “n”, $str);
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“n”, “n”, $str);
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“t”, “t”, $str);
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“<“, “x3C”, $str); // for inclusion in HTML
$str = mb_ereg_replace(“>”, “x3E”, $str);return $str;
}/* vim: set expandtab: */
Dan implementasinya seperti ini
Here’s a nice FCKeditor for you:<br>
{fckeditor BasePath=”/javascripts/fckeditor/” InstanceName=”test” Width=”650px” Height=”300px”}
Bahasan komplit silahkan kunjungi :